Whoever you are, whether you’re a teacher, parent, or young person wanting to make a change, volunteering in an orphanage is a perfect opportunity to make a positive impact on somebody else’s life.
What you can give
You can help a lot in a child’s life by volunteering in an orphanage. As well as showing them kindness and nurture which they may not find anywhere else, and will certainly raise their spirits, you can spend quality time with them which workers may not have time to do while they have so many children to look after at the same time. You can also play with them, and teach them things that you may specialize in, like a new language or a new skill like playing a musical instrument . This will improve the child’s happiness, and lessen their feelings of neglect and trauma, even if for a little while, and all thanks to you- the volunteer. It is also for the most part more helpful to the child if you volunteer long-term as you will give them the sense of stability and enduring care, a sense which they have already been let down on at such an early stage in their lives and which they will not want repeated.
What is Volunteering?
Volunteering means giving your time and abilities to aid others (usually a nonprofit organization) without the want of financial compensation. Put simply, volunteering is a service to your community.
Nothing gets done by one person alone, which means we have to band together to make the changes we want to see in the world.
Volunteering your time, skills, and resources is one of the most powerful ways to make a difference, to help others, and as it turns out, to enhance your wellbeing.
“Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. No one has made it through life without someone else’s help.”
– Heather French Henry
Donate your Time & Skills and we will do it together with you.

WE WELCOME Your Time & Skills